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Rapid City Journal from Rapid City, South Dakota • 8

Rapid City Journal from Rapid City, South Dakota • 8

Rapid City, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE RAriD CITY DAILY JOURNAL TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1913. EIGHT Sheriff's Null. of iiale Forec Ion arc IVik Daily Journal hjr Action. the 'IrcuU Court of the Seventh Judicial Cin-uit of th Slate of South 1 ahit.i In ami for the County of Pen- V. C.

T. U. ELECTS OFFICERS, APPOINTS SUPERINTENDENTS An Aid to Your Pocket-Book uts.tal Pa- mt City, IlUIKtuH. Nurrilda Sh.arer, Plaintiff, vs. Willis Osborne, defendant.

Notice 1h Hereby Otven that by vir tue of a Judgment of foreclosure and pale in the above entitled action on the 21 st day of July, A 1913. and an ex ecution issued upon said judgment, the Ttu1 annual meeting of the V. ('. I. V.

wmh held yesterday afternoon w. t'. liaKtn. stierlnr or Pennington County. South Dakota, for KOT1CE TO Sl'IlSCIUllElW AM) ADVERTISERS.

Owing to the new postal laws and regulations there will be no ytid locals or advertisiuents of any sort inserted in the local columns of this paper after October 1912, unless preceded or followed by the ord ''advertisement." the home of Mifi. I. H. I that purpose appointed, will sell at Our Semi-Annual Clearing Sale Read over this list of reduced price merchandise.

Come in and examine the goods and you will readily see how much there is to saved, and we feel sute you will supply your wants. If you want good goods cheap, now is the rime, and this store the place to procure them. i ao tr'iiwtit public auction at the front door of the sulera-ble routine work a transit- Coun Houg the of Rapl(1 ct cil, after which Mrs. Chase served County of Pennine-ton. and Htate of vlf m.uHti-int.

refrphnipiifs One Dakota, on Saturday the SOth et appetizing retresnmenis. une day of Aufrust A m3i at tw0 new member hh received, o'clock tn the afternoon of that day, The following officers were elect- 4he real and mortgaged premts- llie loiiovunfe oimera were eip 8ltuate the County of pennlnK. el and superintendents appointed: ton, and State of South Dakota, and dl- Presldeent-Mr8. 11, E. 8 wander.

Judgment and execution to be sold, and therein described as Vice Presidents Congregational follows, to-wlt: The North East Quar- Church, Mrs. William IVaptit NKH Section Twenty-tour -0. lownshlp Three (S) South of Church, Mrs. II. L.

bwander; Cutho- Twelve (12) East of the BUcit lie chuih. Mrs. F. C. Foster; Chris- IHHs Meridian, In said Pennington i i County, containing ISO acres more tian M'lclK'i' Church, Mrs.

M. Lp- or le8g ar-ordinar to the Government ham; Methodist church, Mrs. K. F. Survey thereof tosrether with all the Norman; Presbyterian church, Mrs.

llarr Mitchell is a Pactola visiter in i own. ---Our business is to teach business. Rapid City Husinoss College. iM is. Prod Fetch left laM evening for Minot, for a visit with relatives.

Dr. Waldron's ofiice in the bueil bdock wnere he may reached bv telephoning No. 5. Adv. 11.

Nelson, cf Pierre, pent yesterday in the city, the guest of Mrs. (leraldine Staunard. Sec the Rapid City Fuel Co. be MEN'S HATS All our and $3.50 Kingsbury and lion Special Hats new novelty shape Sale Iriee $1.95. LADIES' UNDERWEAR Regular 05c Lisle Thread "Conify Cut" Union Suits, all sizes Sale ITiee 50c.

appertaining, or so much thereof as ikod. A. Correspond ing Secretary -tM ra M. Lanphere. may be sufficient to satisfy said judgment and costs, amounting; in all to Kleven Hundred and Fourteen Dollars and Sixty-six-Cents (1114.66), and Interest from the date of said Judg i MEN'S PANTS Regular $4.00 dress; beautiful patterns; all sizes-Sale Price $3.45.

Kwording Secretary Mrs. Gerald MUSLIN GOWNS Regular $1.25 Gowns of beautiful sheer cambric, embroidery trimmed, short sleeves Sale Price 95c. fore making arrangements for your hue Standard. ment at the rate or seven per cent er annum, and all accruing costs of sale. winter's coal.

Treasurer Mrs. I. Gale, Dated at KRpld City. South Dakota. Kodaks at McNamara's.

Superintendents Scientific Tern- this 22nd day of July 1918. MEN'S SHIRTS Regular $1.25 Dress Shirts, soft collars, military collars or with collars to match Sale. Irice 05c. W. P.

BAKEW. Arthur Harvey is in the it perance Instruction, iMrs. W. M. Sheriff of Pennington County, South TISSUE GINGHAM A regular 30c value; a beautiful fabric which is guaranteed tub proof-Sale Price UUc jiom Pactoia, Having come oown cOX; flower Mission, Mrs.

u. ue- Dakota. Buell, Gardner Denu, attend the funeral of Charles Mar; guflfbath Observance, (Mrs. Ceo. Attorneys for Plaintiff.

Long. Swinehart; Anti-Narcotics, Mrs. J. II. First Publication July 23.

Two thousand pound coal in Mercy, Mrs. C. I). Royse; Con- MEN UNDERWEAR Regular 75c l'oros Knit or Ilalbriggan Union Suits, either short or long sleeves Sale Irice 55c. J.

i i 1 MUSLIN DRAWERS Regular 50c and 05c values, lace or embroidery trimmed Sale Price 39c. every ton you uuy irom me naym tests, jir, v. m. inget, ueaiin ana Electric Wiring City Fuel Co. Heredity, Mrs.

George White; Medi- Dr. P. .1. Waldron has been no- (ai Temperance, Mrs. F.

C. Foster; MEN'S SHOES llegular $LOO and Shoes in black or tan. tilted of his appointment eupei- purity in Literature ana Art, Mrs. and Repair intendent of health for Penning.ou F. 1.

'pucker; lxyal Temperance Le- SERPENTINE CREPE Regular 2c value: plain shades or fancy patterns; Sale Price 14c. button or lace wonrterful values Sale Price $3.45. gion, Mjh. C. Anderson, assistant iiunty.

Strictly in accordance with under --The llanid City Fm-I Co. K. Norman; 'Mothers' Meet- Sheridan, Kirb.v and Colorado coals. itue, Moral Kducation, Aire. Hood; writers' rules.

No burned down buildings and no rewiring when the For farm loans see Allen Broth- ksnelal Meetlrms, Mrs. Mary Avery; future inspector comes. Christian, CMtizenship, Mrs. M. M.

ers. For farm loans see Allen Broth Upham; Legislative and Petition, COST OF WIRING BUILDINGS era. Mrp. 1. H.

Gcwsage. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Rapid City, South Dakota 4 lights $12.00 Bit-dnens ('ollene Notes. 4 lights and 2 switches $15.00 6 lights $18.00 6 lights and 3 switches $22.50 Miss Cranson, of Stpearriah Nor er. .1. H.

iMartin will be at the offie of Dr. P. G. Gilbert Saturday, August 9, where all old and new patrons may find him. Phone No.

1 for quick delivery A trunks, grips and packages. Adr. There will be no Coterie ttiH mal, up at the college rooms for a visit last Friday. Larger buildings eame proportion. No comeback or extra charges.

Re Ruth Iedy returned to school this last week to resume her pair work 60c per hour. course in the stenographic depart week on account of the Chautauqua but next week tbe society will be en- nd ist in the bookkeep- S. P. GANTZ Thone 00 or 93 ing- department. Miss Leedy spent a Dier's Shoe Store part of her month's vacation visit ing? friends at Caputs and Scenic.

tert.ained Mrs. Stannard and Misa Smith. ut. Redfleld's offics Is now in rooms 9 and 10 in the Elks' building. Adr.

Mail Orders Satisfactorily Filled at prices Advertised DREAMLAND I.Miss Hilda Randall, who has lieen Mm in the office of Dr. laMar for th THEATRE -Misses Kliza.beth Dudley end past, year, has resigned her position there and will return to college to Rapid City, S. D. Jean Ferguson, of Hot Springs, spent complete her stenographic course yesterday in the city the guests of started a year or so ago. THE HOUSE OF Mih.s Mary Traut, and the Misses Hartpering.

They were accompanied by Harriet Tudor, of Big Stone, and all have 1een attending Root lejiners Arrested. REFINED ENTERTAINMENT Sipecial Agent lrsen for the fed- OUR Annual Clearance Sale of Summer Footwear begins Saturday, August 2nd, ends Saturday, August 16th. We have had many previous successful sales on account of genuine low prices on reliable merchandise but tbis sale will surpass the others in the newness of the merchandise. The goods are this season's newest and best. This is a rare chance to buy strictly new merchandise at low prices the summer school at Aberdeen.

They I eral government yesterday arrested GOOD MUSIC, ALL THE Bob Harris and HI. V. Thompson. went to Hot 'Springs last evening. Dr K.

Q. Gilbert may be found BEST AND LATEST PICTURES They are locked up in the county in tbe Elks building, rooms 8 aid I. jail charged with selling liquor to Phone 100. AdT. Indians.

Yesterday morning the West End Program for Tonight: Till; TRAPPKU'S MISTAKE Birthday Surprise club accomplished Licensed to Wed. a new departute and surprised C. D. Pathe Play, two reel feature. Fred Kimm.

of Qulnn. aged 2, iMiii for seven o'clock breakfast. If White Everything in White Goes in this Sale. Ladies White Nubuck Button $4.00 values for $3.00. White Canvas Button at $2.35, Nubuck Pumps at $2.85 and $2.45, Canvas Pumps and 2 Straps CjOOQS at $1.30 to $1.85.

All Misses' and CMdi White Goods at Low Prices. ft PUPS LARIAT and Lulu Waldron, of Moosejaw, Kalem presents a novel comedy, aged 26. that isn't a lively lot the reporter never saw one. They are wone than western. Hickory Knots.

aPhough that bunch Where to (iet Chautauqua Tickets. went to breakfast once. Well, Mr Senitnn tickets are for sale at the Pumps and 2 Straps hmlih was sm prised and pleased. dnjg storPS or they may be reserved tOO. I tnUnhnnl-ir fl flser Vn 22S Ladies' Button Oxfords latin lrtnl.

Tan, I'tttent, Sitit, ele. ESPECIAL VAUDEVILLE At Dreamland AUGUST 7, 8, 0, AIR. HEN PARKER THE 1M)XELESS WONDER In Acrobatic it nl Contortion Act wooarow wuson. The greatest living stenographer I The Flitet Clwtrles WinjZ, Manager. 1.

'V ra Th president's office does not de- Charley Wing, the popular restau- Pumps and 2-stran Gun Metal. 'I' a 1' 1 1 a Itifilf Velvet, luand a college professor, but it de- rant keejier, recently moved to new rr.ii-,. cr 3 m.ortrr- t-n Annrm west (if nmwimne ma rids a man with a good business education and training. This busl- Sweeney's hardware store, on ths Bros, and now imM, nf Mnln street between Grand Theatre, Den- l.ess education and training may lie values for S23 values for S2.4S values for T-Sn-Vtl, lto-a lia I VCr, Vll. M.00 value for C2.S3 value- for 2.43 $.1.00 values for S2.13 12.50 values for 1.65 ftl nl tlte Rapid City Business Col VN S3.00 has everything fixed up In first-class lege.

tvle and he Invites all his eld nft The "Dreamland Orchestra" Is the --The night Rev. Bishop J. F. 0 $2.15 $2.50 values for 1.65 btst three piece orchestra in the p-sch will preach at St. Mary' trons and as many new ones as feel chun-h during the ten o'clock mass disposed to patronize him, assurinsj Black Hills, jplaying all the latest and most up to date music.

on Sunday. Aueust 3. and evervbodv I hem that he will do his best to 2.25 values for. 1.30 Boys $2.50 Values for $1.95 Girls Slippers it cordially invited. I please.

values for $1.75 values for cil.l:- Farm loans without the delays. niK.i). 1.65 $1.35 Barefoot Sandals 1.35 values for 1.00 values for 85c values for TOc Mi.Uli'n Ck. in Rapid City, tttimlav. Au trust 3, Mllll' t.

A W. L. Gerow, Room 16, over Pen ioes 60e nington county bank. Paciola. of a complication of difea'ses, 1 about thirty years, Mrs.

fxme was brought down from J. A. BEHRENS 008 Main Street. FINE AND MEDIUM GRADE FURNITURE Pactola Friday very ill. her altend-iitK physician being Dr.

Waldron, Princess and taken to the home of Mrs. C. Brown, where everything possible was done for the suffering woman. Theatre LADIES' COMFORT SUPPERS Hii7 Style with straps, lare or elastic aldea tip or plain toe. 2.25 values for 1.65 $1.75 values for 1.30 Other Styles for $1.00 but all to no purpose.

iMr. aud Mrs. Long have lived at Pactola for the past seven years and before that lived at Nahant. They were married about ELECTRICALLY COOLED MEN'S SHOES AND OXFORD Several styles of 1au button and I a new Itowdni to close out, $...00 values 'r $3.5 a I or Hox Calf, blurb-er I ei for ilre or every-flay near values for $3.33 Men's $3.00 KIk Skins for $2.65. All 1013 $1.50 Oxfords for $2.03 fine lot aood Oxfords to close out, $1.00 and 1.50 values $1.05 ten years ajro and were the parents of three children, Maurice, aged eight years; Ruth, aged six, tnd How ard, aged two.

Mrs. Long was a woman whom ev eryone loved for her pleading man er and earnest Christian character If anything were wanting to show Remember the Date how she was beloved it would be supplied by the large number of friends who are gathering in the tin to attend her funeral, which will be held Wednesday. Among ihose, who are here are Mr. and Mrs. J.

C. Slier man. Howard Weitzel, Mrs. Rtlbert Undertaking and Embalming Specialty, come to our store and yon will find a pleasing variety from which to ihooe. DIER'S SHOE STORE SATURDAY AUG.

2 SATURDAY AUG. 16 Scruton, Mr. and 'Mrs. Royal John son, Mrs. Turner, Arthur Harvey.

Harry Mitchell, of Pactola, and Mrs. Spar go and Mrs. Oolee, of Iad Program for Tonight: A DOIRLE photography makes a strong appeal in this story of twin brothers. Jim leaves home and returns later out of funds. His invalid brother gives up 1oth his sweetheart and his money to him.

The latter Is suspected of theft, but cleared when his brother's sacrifice la made known; splendidly acted. BILLY'S HONEYMOON Billy Quirk gets married and with his wife attempts to lose sight of his friends. The amusement offered to the spectator is worth going miles to see. AT MIDNIGHTA strong drama of a mother's devotion. A wife, enamored of worldy pleasures, acts as nurse for her son, dangerously H.

When the son dies the mother's life is despaired of. A burglar breaks into life house ami ft done resemblance to the dead son, My substituting tbe burglar for the son, the mother's life Is saved. Lillian Langdon tabes the lead and her acting in this reel is especially noteworthy. THE ELITE ORf IIEsTRA Our meritoi ion ev ery night musical attraction, 1'" A IMIISSIOX The father of Mrs. Long will be in from Iowa Wednesday mornintr.

1tok Here, Men. Only 31 pair of those men's J4. 50 and $4 oxfords to close out at only 'per pair. Sale 'begins Saturday, August 2 at Dier's Shoe Store. where the funeral will be held in the Presbjterlan church.

J. T. GARLAND STILL DOING BROTHERHOOD OK AMERICA5 YEOMKN, HOMESTEAD NO. HTi Meets regularly In Fra Rump AptHiinted Coniinlssioiici-. The government has called for the the Ine terslty tail on venins evening BOARD DAY OR WEEK Home Cooking Southern Style resipnatlon cf L.

P. Troutman Farmingdale and II. All Kinds of Mason Work See me for prices oa aaythlac la car line. Scenic as United States commission fjVA and tn rriaay 'f i' of each month. VUltlnt srehen eordlsHy romed.

ers. Iioth were holding office as postmasters their respective Wilijnisn Foreman. towns, which is contrary to rule Adella Brown Correspond- 8. Mn. Alto, the Tailor Has gone, but the shop is still open.

The Northwestern Tailoring and Cleaning Co. has employed a first class workman and will be pleased to do your work. Cleaning and pre.s-iiit? promptly end neatly done. Yours respectfully, The Northwestern Tailoring Co. Successor to Alto, the Tailor.

722 Main St. Phone Black 294. Dr. E. Johnson, dentist, has ffce In the Haines' building.

Tels-ifcon 54 Adv. J. (1. Bump has appointed ctirnmlssioner at Srenic te succeed Mr. Lloyd Salvation Army Meetings.

Tuesdays, Thursday, Saturdays and Sundays 8:30 p. m. Sunday school every Sunday 2 p. ni. The Tuesday's meetings will be conducted In th Scandinavian MRS.

It. 11. WILLIAMS 815 St. Joe Street. First house east Lincoln School.

Fresh milk and cream delivered by the Upper Rapid Dairy, John Schamber. proprietor. Commencing Jrtay 1 milk will be six cents o.uart. Phone A 403. '1 be D'tily leinna! in rea( by ly everybody tn Rapid City.

Put -toiiie it- ad 1 1 i ir cohuns Cie best Hargalnt in Fishing Tack! st cNamara't Rook Store. DEI Pickles at Schusters. Ad The Family Theatre Read tbe Dally Journal..

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